Teaching Gender Quality Through Teaching Byatt’s The Shadow Of The Sun For Efl Students

Syofia Delfi


A study on teaching prose is also expected to emphasize on critical thinking of the students in learningEnglish as a foreign language. One of the appropriate topics is teaching gender quality through Englishnovel. This article is based on a study which addresses questions: (1) Why do the women exclude ineducational realm? (2) What is the gender quality pictured in Byatt’s The Shadow of the Sun? (3) Howis gender quality in The Shadow of the Sun reflecting excluding women in educational realm. Theoriesabout excluding women in educational realm, women in Indonesia, and teaching literature arediscussed and criticized as well as analyzing Byatt’s The Shadow of the Sun in answering thesequestions. The findings of this research are: (1) Women exclude in educational realm because educationfor women based on educational norms for men, reproductive education, and systematic devaluation ofwomen. (2) The gender quality pictured in Byatt’s The Shadow of the Sun is about a daughter whofaces her life as the effect of patriarchal system. (3) The gender quality exclude women in educationalis about the main character, Anna and every woman in the story.

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