Penggunaan Brainstorming Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Mahasiswa S1 Semester Satu Program Studi Bahasa Inggris Fkip Ur Pekanbaru

Mahdum '


This research aimed at describing and testing whether brainstorming can increase students’ readingability at English Department FKIP UR Pekanbaru. The participants were 25 students of the firstsemester S1 Program, Class A academic year 2009-2010. The data collection techniques used consistedof observation, interview, and tests. The research result can be briefly explained as follows: First, thestudents’ reading ability could be improved by using brainstorming technique. Before the research wasdone, the average score of the students reading ability was only 60.8. After the research done for cycle1, it improved to 64.1 and at cycle 2, it improved to 76.4 Second, the students’ interest and motivationimproved also. These can be seen from the increasing of students’ awareness in comprehending thetext. Brainstorming can improve students’ reading ability. Third, in teaching learning process - studentscan work together, discuss, share information, mutual understanding, as well as give mutual sport to getthe objectives. Third, the lecturer was able to apply brainstorming to make the teaching processeffective.

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